No, You Can't Unload the Twilight Princess Barrier

written: 2024-11-08
reading time: 13 minutes

For a while now, I've been speedrunning The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I'm... okay? I guess? at the actual speedrun (my best time is about 3 hours 16 minutes, good for somewhere around 100th place on the leaderboard at time of writing), but I've also been involved in theorycrafting and glitch hunting.

No glitch in Twilight Princess has been hunted more than Early Hyrule Castle. If found, a way to get into Hyrule Castle early could potentially save an hour or more in the run (depending on how long it takes to set the glitch up) by allowing us to skip Snowpeak Ruins, Arbiter's Grounds, City in the Sky, Palace of Twilight, and their associated items. What's more, similar glitches have been found in other Zelda titles (most recently The Wind Waker), driving further speculation that a similar technique could exist in Twilight Princess.

There are a few potential theories for how we could get around the barrier, but one very popular suggestion is "actor unloading" or "archive corruption". Basically, if you run the game out of memory and then load a new room, in some cases objects on the new map can get "corrupted" and become unable to be loaded on any map until the console is restarted.

At this point I should mention that there are actually two different forms of Hyrule Castle barrier depending on the game state. Before the player completes Midna's Desperate Hour, there's a closed door and two guards blocking Link from entering Hyrule Castle; we call this the "pre-MDH barrier". Afterwards, the guards are gone, but a giant energy wall similar to The Wind Waker's pushes Link away should he attempt to enter; this is the "post-MDH barrier".

No, You Can't Archive Corrupt Obj_Board

Most actor unloading theories target the pre-MDH barrier. The guards are not actually what blocks Link from opening the doors; instead, an invisible wall has been placed over the door handles, and even if Link clips through the guards (which may be possible), he still can't open the door. At first glance, this wall seems like a great target for actor unloading. The same actor (Obj_Board) exists on the Lakebed Temple map (among other places), and Lakebed has the necessary prerequisites for achieving archive corruption.

So, this version of Early Hyrule Castle would go something like this:

There's a problem with this approach, though. It's not possible to unload Obj_Board via archive corruption. To understand why, we have to learn how archive corruption actually works. As far as I'm aware, this has not previously been explained or documented.

An enormous shout-out here to Taka and the rest of the Twilight Princess Decompilation team, without whom this analysis would not have been possible.

It all starts with dRes_control_c, the Resource Control structure. This class is a singleton that's responsible for loading "archives", self-contained blocks of code and data that can be swapped in and out at runtime to manage the GameCube's limited memory space. Here's a cut-down and annotated prototype:

class dRes_control_c {
    /// Prepares to load an archive from disk into the archive heap, if not already loaded.
    static int setRes(char const* arcName, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize,
        char const* arcPath, u8 param_4, JKRHeap* pHeap);

    /// Moves archive data from the archive heap into its final in-memory layout, and runs
    /// other initialization steps as required.
    static int syncRes(char const* arcName, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize);

    /// Releases a previously-loaded archive.
    static int deleteRes(char const* arcName, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize);

    /// Finds an archive by name, if it's already loaded.
    static dRes_info_c* getResInfo(char const* getResInfo, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize);

    /// Allocates a new `dRes_info_c` in an empty actor slot.
    static dRes_info_c* newResInfo(dRes_info_c* pResInfo, int infoSize);

    /// Helper function to load an object resource into `mObjectInfo`.
    /// (The full `dRes_control_c` class also handles loading other types of resources, so there
    /// are more `dRes_info_c` lists than just `mObjectInfo`.)
    int setObjectRes(const char* name, u8 param_1, JKRHeap* heap) {
        return setRes(name, &mObjectInfo[0], ARRAY_SIZE(mObjectInfo), "/res/Object/", param_1,

    /// ...and for the other operations...
    int syncObjectRes(const char* name) {
        return syncRes(name, &mObjectInfo[0], ARRAY_SIZE(mObjectInfo));

    int deleteObjectRes(const char* name) {
        return deleteRes(name, &mObjectInfo[0], ARRAY_SIZE(mObjectInfo));

    dRes_info_c* getObjectResInfo(const char* arcName) {
        return getResInfo(arcName, &mObjectInfo[0], ARRAY_SIZE(mObjectInfo));

    /// 128 reference-counted "actor slots" for object archives.
    dRes_info_c mObjectInfo[0x80];

The overall archive load procedure goes something like this:

To better understand how these steps work, let's next look at dRes_info_c.

class dRes_info_c {

    /// Begins loading this archive from disc by setting `mDMCommand`, and sets our
    /// `mArchiveName` to `pArcName` once the disc read command is created. Returns
    /// 0 if creating the disc read command fails and 1 otherwise.
    int set(char const* pArcName, char const* pArcPath, u8 param_2, JKRHeap* pHeap);

    /// Loads archive files from the raw archive data in `mArchive` into game memory.
    int loadResource();

    /// Called repeatedly until disc load is complete; eventually leads to `loadResource`.
    int setRes();

    void* getRes(u32 resIdx) { return *(mRes + resIdx); }
    int getCount() { return mCount; }
    char* getArchiveName() { return mArchiveName; }
    mDoDvdThd_mountArchive_c* getDMCommand() { return mDMCommand; }
    JKRArchive* getArchive() { return mArchive; }
    void incCount() { mCount++; }
    u16 decCount() { return --mCount; }

    /// Name of this archive slot.
    char mArchiveName[11];

    /// Reference count.
    u16 mCount;

    /// Pointer to disc read command (NULL if disk read complete or not started).
    mDoDvdThd_mountArchive_c* mDMCommand;

    /// Pointer to raw archive data, if present.
    JKRArchive* mArchive;

    /// Sub-heap for unpacked data.
    JKRSolidHeap* mDataHeap;

    /// Pointers to individual archive files.
    void** mRes;

This small structure is one "actor slot". It contains the name of the archive, the reference count, a pointer to the disk read request (if necessary), a pointer to the archive data, two sub-heap pointers, and a list of pointers to the individual archive files.

Overall, the actor list in dRes_control_c implements a rudimentary form of dynamic allocation. A slot is allocated if its mCount is non-zero, and it can be looked up by its mArchiveName:

dRes_info_c* dRes_control_c::getResInfo(char const* pArcName, dRes_info_c* pResInfo, int infoSize) {
    for (int i = 0; i < infoSize; i++) {
        if (pResInfo->getCount() != 0) {
            if (!stricmp(pArcName, pResInfo->getArchiveName())) {
                return pResInfo;
    return NULL;

This seems a bit inefficient (lots of stricmp!) but it's simple and it works. Similarly, allocating a new dRes_info_c is done simply by finding an empty slot:

dRes_info_c* dRes_control_c::newResInfo(dRes_info_c* pResInfo, int infoSize) {
    for (int i = 0; i < infoSize; i++) {
        if (pResInfo->getCount() == 0) {
            return pResInfo;
    return NULL;

And now we can look at the implementation of setRes, the entry point to this whole load sequence:

int dRes_control_c::setRes(char const* arcName, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize,
                           char const* arcPath, u8 param_4, JKRHeap* pHeap) {
    dRes_info_c* resInfo = getResInfo(arcName, pInfo, infoSize);

    if (resInfo == NULL) {
        resInfo = newResInfo(pInfo, infoSize);

        if (resInfo == NULL) {
            // ...
            return 0;

        int resStatus = resInfo->set(arcName, arcPath, param_4, pHeap);
        if (resStatus == 0) {
            OSReport_Error("<%s.arc> dRes_control_c::setRes: res info set error !!\n", arcName);
            return 0;
    return 1;

setRes begins by checking if the archive has already been loaded via getResInfo. If so, it only increments its reference count and returns. If not, it grabs an empty slot with newResInfo, starts the disc load with dRes_info_c::set, and only then increments the reference count.

It's important to note here that any failures at this stage result in clearing the dRes_info_c with its destructor, returning immediately, and not incrementing the slot's reference count. The practical consequence of this is that if a failure occurs during setRes, the actor slot will not be modified and the same archive will attempt to load again at the next opportunity.

Edit: Or attempts to clear the dRes_info_c, anyways? I think the resInfo == NULL branch would crash.

Once the disc load is set up, though, this actor slot is taken. Future calls to setRes will only increment its reference count, even if they come in before the load completes.

When the load completes, we move on to dRes_control_c::syncRes:

int dRes_control_c::syncRes(char const* arcName, dRes_info_c* pInfo, int infoSize) {
    dRes_info_c* resInfo = getResInfo(arcName, pInfo, infoSize);

    if (resInfo == NULL) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        return resInfo->setRes();

This one doesn't do much on its own, so let's check out dRes_info_c::setRes (yes, I know these names are baffling. dRes_control_c::setRes calls dRes_info_c::set and dRes_control_c::syncRes calls dRes_info_c::setRes. I didn't come up with these.)

int dRes_info_c::setRes() {
    if (mArchive == NULL) {
        if (mDMCommand == NULL) {
            return -1;
        if ((int)mDMCommand->mIsDone == 0) {
            return 1;

        mArchive = mDMCommand->getArchive();

        delete mDMCommand;
        mDMCommand = NULL;

        if (mArchive == NULL) {
            OSReport_Error("<%s.arc> setRes: archive mount error !!\n", mArchiveName);
            return -1;

        mDataHeap = mDoExt_createSolidHeapFromGameToCurrent(0, 0);
        if (mDataHeap == NULL) {
            OSReport_Error("<%s.arc> mDMCommandsetRes: can't alloc memory\n", mArchiveName);
            return -1;

        int rt = loadResource();

        if (rt < 0) {
            return -1;
    return 0;

This is also cut down a bit, but the general structure is here. There are a few important paths we can take through this function:

So, out of all the error paths in this function, only the "loadResource fails" one will ever be taken in practice. But what happens when it is? Well, something very interesting:

See the problem? loadResource failed, so it didn't load all of our data files, but the future attempt to load the same archive looks like it's completely successful. This means that we can load the actor without, say, its 3D model, texture, or collision map, and essentially remove it from gameplay. This effect is what we refer to as "archive corruption".

So, what does it take to cause loadResource to fail? Well, that's kinda complicated. loadResource is a very long function and I'm not going to reproduce it here, but, generally speaking, what it does is it goes through each file in the archive, attempts to load it using a file-type-specific method, and returns -1 if that load fails, skipping that load and any files after it in the archive.

There are a couple pitfalls here if you want to cause loadResource failures on purpose. First, some archive files will cause the game to crash if they fail to load, so you need to make sure loadResource starts failing after all of those files have been loaded. Second, and most importantly for this case, not all resource types can fail to load.

Let's look at the files in Obj_Board's archive:


There are only five files, all of type DZB . I believe these represent the collision map. Let's see what loadResource does to load these:

else if (nodeType == 'DZB ') {
    result = cBgS::ConvDzb(result);

    // wot, no `if(result == NULL) { return -1; }`?

We aren't missing an error-handling branch here... no, something far worse is happening: cBgS::ConvDzb cannot fail. This means that there's no way to get loadResource to fail while loading Obj_Board, so there's no way to get dRes_info_c::setRes to return -1 while setting mArchive, so you don't get archive corruption, so you don't get Early Hyrule Castle.

No, You Can't Archive Corrupt V_CTGWall

The reason you can't do the same thing for the post-MDH barrier, which has quite a lot of texture data and 3D models and other stuff that loadResource can fail on, is much simpler: it doesn't exist anywhere else! Achieving archive corruption requires the ability to go across a room transition and cause the targeted actor to load, and there's no room transition that loads V_CTGWall.

(The version of the post-MDH barrier visible from Hyrule Field is a different actor, y_gwall. It may be possible to archive corrupt it, but doing so will not affect anything in North Castle Town.)

No, You Can't Prevent V_CTGWall From Loading Directly Either

Of course, archive corruption isn't completely necessary. In theory, if we could fill game memory in a way that would persist across loading zones (there are a couple ways it might be possible to do this), we could load North Castle Town and just not have enough memory to load V_CTGWall in the first place, and then whether we get the actor slot stuck is irrelevant -- the barrier is gone.

Unfortunately, this also doesn't work. I wrote a simple game modification to log each actor load in order and the relevant amount of game memory required to load it, and this is what we get while crossing over into North Castle Town:

So, we just make sure that the 11072-byte allocation required for V_CTGWall fails, and then we're good, right? Well, causing that allocation to fail does in fact result in Early Hyrule Castle. There's a problem, though, which is that we can't cause just that allocation to fail, since if we do it via heap exhaustion any allocation that's bigger and later than the targeted allocation must also fail... and one of those allocations is for Midna.arc.

If Midna.arc fails to load, the game immediately crashes, and you have no choice other than to restart the console.

Oh, and of course the same thing would happen if you try to prevent Obj_Board from loading in the same way, except you also have the trouble of filling game heap to the point where not even a 64-byte allocation can succeed.

Future Directions

Obviously a better understanding of archive corruption is useful. I believe we now have a new bound on which actors can be unloaded by archive corruption: not only do the previously known prerequisites need to apply, the actor's archive must also contain files of types other than ARC , DZB , and KCL . Also, the common technique of setting mCount to 1 on an empty actor slot to simulate the effects of archive corruption may be inaccurate, since it doesn't require that such a file exists and it doesn't represent the potential effects of the partial loadResource run.

It may be worth investigating further if archive corruption can be used for skips other than Early Hyrule Castle. The Arbiter's Grounds gate is a particular target of interest, although we don't currently have any way of causing heap exhaustion in Arbiter's Grounds.

It also may be worth investigating the potential effects of rolling over an actor slot's reference count by attempting to load it 65,536 times. Since the resource manager code relies on dRes_info_c's destructor to clear the fields in an empty actor slot, this could result in loading the wrong actor data once that slot is allocated again, which could be interesting.

There are also still potential open paths to Early Hyrule Castle:

None of these approaches currently has any promising leads.