Morgletter #1

written: 2024-09-12
reading time: 3 minutes

Wow, A Newsletter

As I said in the last post, I'm hoping this is going to become a regular feature on here. How regular depends on how often I have enough stuff to write a page or two about, I guess.


Big fun one recently: this PR against the Twilight Princess item randomizer generator makes it 8-10 times faster. I'm working on writing this up as its own blog article, but the summary: I had to learn C# and parsers are tricky for the inexperienced.

I'm also working on writing a terminal emulator! Hopefully I'll have more to share on that soon, but it's kind of in a tedious stage of things right now. Why is the standard for these things "bug-compatible with a pile of discrete logic from the 1970s" again?

Late-breaking work update: things are starting to move forward with our prospective first customer! I don't think I've talked about work much on here (or on cohost), but I'm doing a little startup with some long-time friends and coworkers. It's been pretty rough going the past few months but we got some news today that might be a light at the end of the tunnel.


I took some photos walkin' around in Contra Costa County the other day. Check 'em out on the other half of the site.


Cool Stuff from Elsewhere

Comments? Questions? Saw a cool bug? E-mail, or the same on Mastodon.

Seriously, send me an e-mail. It doesn't have to be a professional one or anything.