Well, I Guess I Have A Blog Now

written: 2024-09-11
reading time: 2 minutes

So, cohost shut down (or is about to, at the time of writing). This sucks?

Like many of my friends on there, I don't really think there's anywhere else to go. I do have a Mastodon profile (@morgan@wolfe.garden), but I've never really been that active on it and I don't see myself starting now. Some people are saying Tumblr but I don't really like the part where they make other people log in to see your stuff (and frankly I don't know if I'm any more confident in their future at this point).

So I'm just gonna start posting stuff on here. I think I'm going to try to do some regular longer-form posts as well as a weekly (or perhaps bi-weekly) roundup of shorter thoughts and links I've found interesting from elsewhere. I can't say exactly what the content is going to be like but I'm hoping to get a mix of writing, photography, music (mine and others' for all of that), technical discussion for whatever I happen to be working on, and probably a bit of sports, video games, and current events.

I've set up an Atom feed for this part of the site at /blog/atom.xml. If people are interested, I might also set up email subscriptions (drop me a line if you want manual notifications for now).

I'd also like to hear from other people who are running (new or long-standing) blogs or other RSS pages. If you've got one, send me an e-mail or Mastodon DM at morgan@wolfe.garden. In fact, send just about whatever you like there — your cool stuff, other people's cool stuff, comments, suggestions, pictures of lizards you found (especially that). I'll try and make sure I respond.